Eating What They Eat Can Be Kinda Gross!

I decided a while back that if I was going to give it to my kids to eat I would try it too. Up to this is point I have tried all the things she has eaten, from breast milk to maple teething biscuits and everything in between.

A lot the foods are quite decent but some of the things they make for babies and toddlers to eat are quite frankly disgusting and unpalatable.

Take run of the mill baby formula for example. That stuff might just be the worst thing I have ever tasted. I was looking for a formula for her for when we went out of town. She had been strictly breast fed up to this point so it was going to be the first time either of us had tried formula. I made up a small bottle of it and took a sip. It was pretty awful, very strong and so sweet;it tasted nothing like breast milk. I needed a large glass of water just to rinse it down. I decided to give it to her and see if it was specially designed for a baby’s palate. I gave her the bottle, she took a sip and immediately gagged and spit it out. I thought maybe it was just a fluke so I gave it to her again, only to have her gag, spit it out and give me a “why are you torturing me?” look. I checked to make sure I made it properly and it seemed I had. It was at that point that I decided it was not specially designed for babies just designed to be gross.  She wouldn’t drink it and frankly I couldn’t blame her. Needless to say we tried a different kind. I finally found a formula that tasted a lot like a vanilla protein shake. When I gave it to her she took it with no problem.

Another example is packaged veggie baby foods. Amelie loves fresh home cooked veggies and has liked every kind I have given her (brussel sprouts  included) but in no uncertain terms will she eat jarred veggie baby food. She will literally push it away, spit it out and throw it on the floor. If you ever tried it you would probably want to do a similar thing. It kind of tastes how I imagine day old soggy broccoli would taste if it had been left out over night. I can tell you right now that you couldn’t pay me to eat it everyday.

Here is what I have learned: babies can quickly develop a decent palate.Go figure! This realization has made feeding her a lot easier. I don’t know why I expected her to have a special taste for nasty things but through my experiences I have been thoroughly disabused of any such notions.

So my new policy is: If I think it tastes gross she probably will too. It has worked out pretty well for us so far.

Our First Family Outing


A couple of weeks into being a new mom I was really ready to get out of my house with the baby and see the world again. We drove down the cost a bit to Capitola and spent the day walking around their cute downtown, walking around the pier, eating in the restaurants and people watching.

I highly recommend doing something like this with people you love to hang out with. I got to do it with my husband, mom and sister so it was amazing. Just going somewhere different, getting some space and having beautiful things to look at was exactly what I needed.