To do or not to do?: DEFINITELY DO!!!

So I just took a trip to Las Vegas with my husband for a couple of days of R&R sans child. This is was our first time alone since we had her. I am not going to lie, it was amazing!

We slept in until 9:30am (yes, that is sleeping in now), we saw shows, we ate at beautiful restaurants as well as rediscovered that we do indeed still like each other and that we can talk about things other than kids,poop, lack of sleep and money.

I don’t think there is any shame in working out a good place for the kids to stay for a couple of nights while the parents have a little get away, even for a staycation, anything to just get out of the routine and make you take the time to create a bit more than usual on your relationship. 

(Disclaimer: Us liking each other was never in question but over the last 6 months we hadn’t really taken the time to realize that we did. This time alone just reinforced  our admiration for one another. I find that we get so caught up in our everyday routine that we  kind of go on automatic. Doing something just the two of us, shakes up the routine and makes us stop and realize what we have.)

Loving your children is something that will never ever change but with the divorce rate at 50% in America it seems that loving your spouse can. That’s why I think taking the time to really create your marriage or relationship before it is on the rocks is so important, especially once you add children into the mix. Any kid does better with two parents in the home who get along. I come from a divorced household  (a few times over actually) so I know from personal experience the effects a bad marriage and then divorce has on kids (I was the kid).

So I guess the moral of the story is that I need to ensure I continue taking the time to create my marriage. And if we get to do this by taking little trips to Vegas or Napa or even staying home just the two of us I will be pretty stoked! So, if you are out there right now contemplating if you should take a little trip with your honey, then I say to you, DEFINITELY DO!!!